Saturday, December 7, 2019

Things To Know About The Latest Google Update

Google, Eyes, Person
Effects of BERT update
Google recently released an update that affected one in ten search queries. The BERT update essentially changed the rank of the search results based on these queries. While this may not sound significant, it is considered as one of the biggest updates since RankBrain was released in October 2015. But before we look at its effects on a website, let us take a look at some facts about this update.

BERT Update

The BERT is an acronym for Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers. It is an update open-sourced by the internet search giant. This is a natural language processing update, which allows Google to better understand what users want to find on the internet. Previously, Google would show results based on the individual words of a search query. While this is a simple way of showing the results, it does not accurately provide the result a user may want. With the new update, it takes into account all the words in the query and how each word is related to the other words before showing the result.

Even as this may sound a bit confusing to ordinary users, professionals offering digital marketing services are gradually trying to find ways to improve the rank of the websites they are handling on Google. To better understand the update, let us take a look at some of the examples the search giant provided. For instance, when someone types “can you get medicine for someone pharmacy” on Google, the result before BERT showed information about filling prescriptions. But after the update, Google took into account “for someone” in the search results and showed results about someone picking up medicine from a pharmacy for a friend or family member. Similarly, a search query about “math practice books for adults” previously showed math books in the young adult category. After the update, the result showed math books designed for adults or Google was able to understand the context of the word adult in the search query.

Effects of the BERT update

BERT simply teaches the search engine on how to understand the different nuances about natural language. It allows Google to better know what users are looking for. It essentially teaches Google to understand users like a human rather than a robot. Due to this, the latest update is beneficial for content writers who are writing for the reader than writing for the machine. Digital marketers are in agreement that there is no way to optimize for BERT for the moment. Due to this, it is advisable not to make any changes to the optimization of your websites. Any onsite or offsite SEO or search engine optimization activities should not change. Instead, marketers should focus on content.

Content Marketing, SEO, Social Media, Marketing, Words

This was echoed by Danny Sullivan, the search liaison of Google. He said the update does not change the fundamentals they have been promoting over the years. He said the content should be written for the users. He further added that the length of the content does not have any significant effect on the search rankings following the update.

What You Can Do

Due to this, professional digital marketing services should focus on providing quality content for their clients. The content should provide something useful for readers. Similarly, you should also do the same thing for your own website. Getting a good content writer who can provide high-quality articles will be the first step in dealing with the BERT update. While keywords are still important, Google will now take the whole context of the search into account. Due to this, website owners and digital marketers should focus on content rather than simply optimizing the website to rank well in the search results.

Even as the update was already released, you should understand that you still have a lot of work to do to ensure your website will rank well on the Google search results.

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